Friday 3 February 2012

How Losing Weight Helps Improve Memory

Memory is the brains ability to store and retrieve information as needed. In order to retain and improve your memory you need to take good care of your brain so that your brain cells can continue to develop. One way that you can increase the development of new brain cells is by losing weight.

Losing Weight Can Make You Brainy!

How it Helps

Improves Blood Flow. When you gain weight your veins can become clogged with plaque which restrict the blood flow to your brain. Your blood carries oxygen which promotes new cell growth in your brain. Therefore when you are overweight your brain is not getting enough oxygen to develop new brain cells, and thus your memory begins to decline.

But as soon as you begin losing weight, the blood vessels can begin to open up again as the plaque and cholesterol are removed. This improves the blood flow that delivers oxygen so that more cells can develop. Additionally, the more blood you have flowing through your brain, the more toxins can be washed away from your brain. Toxins can also contribute to poor memory.

Cytokines. Cytokines are hormones that are released by excess fat in the body. These hormones can cause inflammation which affects the memory and cognition of the brain.
 According to studies, if you are pear shaped (carry your excess weight around your hips), then your memory is more affected by the extra weight than if you are apple shaped (carry your excess weight around your tummy). Researchers are not sure why this is, but it could be because of the different cytokines which are produced by the different types of fats, as the fats in the abdomen area are different than those around the hips.

So not only does losing weight make you fitter, it makes you brainier too!

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