Tuesday 21 February 2012

An Easy Exercise for Better Abs

We are led to believe crunches are the main way for getting those abs we all dream of showing off. There's information about crunches everywhere! However there are other exercises that will do more for the stomach area, some of these exercises are often forgotten and are essential for providing a strong base to our core.
I first read about one of these excersise about 35 years ago on a "Bullworker" exercise sheet.
It's called  ‘The Vacuum’ and iis still practiced by professional trainers and bodybuilders today. If You have tried it already, repetition is the key total mastery. So Here’s how to do it:

1. Inhale until your lungs are full.
2. While slowly exhaling, pull your belly button towards your spine.
3. Once you feel your sides tighten, hold the position for 10 seconds.(Bullworker sheet said 7 seconds)
4. Exhale. This is one repetition.

Want a flat stomach?

It seems easy to do right? Hmmm!  Try to do this exercise as often as you can, don’t forget to do it each day. This exercises the inner muscles of your abs. They're called the transverse abdominus muscles. These muscles are very important, but they're not worked properly when doing crunches-like exercises. The good thing about the Vacuum is you don't need any fancy equipment and even better still, you can do it anywhere at any time. A good time to do it is when queuing in a shop. Remember the more repetitions the better the results.

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