Tuesday 21 February 2012

An Easy Exercise for Better Abs

We are led to believe crunches are the main way for getting those abs we all dream of showing off. There's information about crunches everywhere! However there are other exercises that will do more for the stomach area, some of these exercises are often forgotten and are essential for providing a strong base to our core.
I first read about one of these excersise about 35 years ago on a "Bullworker" exercise sheet.
It's called  ‘The Vacuum’ and iis still practiced by professional trainers and bodybuilders today. If You have tried it already, repetition is the key total mastery. So Here’s how to do it:

1. Inhale until your lungs are full.
2. While slowly exhaling, pull your belly button towards your spine.
3. Once you feel your sides tighten, hold the position for 10 seconds.(Bullworker sheet said 7 seconds)
4. Exhale. This is one repetition.

Want a flat stomach?

It seems easy to do right? Hmmm!  Try to do this exercise as often as you can, don’t forget to do it each day. This exercises the inner muscles of your abs. They're called the transverse abdominus muscles. These muscles are very important, but they're not worked properly when doing crunches-like exercises. The good thing about the Vacuum is you don't need any fancy equipment and even better still, you can do it anywhere at any time. A good time to do it is when queuing in a shop. Remember the more repetitions the better the results.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Staying Motivated and Some Amazing Videos

One of THE most important things when losing weight is self motivation. It doesn't matter what plan you're following or how much you want to lose. Self motivation is key.

But how to stay motivated?

This is the big question really.  You'll start your diet or weight loss plan enthusiastically, you'll probably drop a few pounds... but all too soon you'll begin to get bored, you'll long for those things you can no longer have (in my case pretty much everything! - that's what it felt like).

In these situations it is important to remind yourself why you started, to improve the quality of your life? To be more attractive? Or perhaps, like in my case, to make sure you don't get type two diabetes!

It's hard. There's no doubt about it. But you can do it. With the right plan and the right mindset you can do it!

With that in mind, here is a little something to raise your spirits. I thought that these videos were simply amazing!

After Volkwagen's Super Bowl ad went viral last year, the company is serving up another round of Star Wars-themed advertising. The collection of dogs barking to the movie's theme song is just the teaser (the full commercial was just recently released) but it still put Volkswagen back on top.

2. "Mega Song" (Megaupload)

Shares: 581,559

Have a look at the rest by clicking more!

Saturday 4 February 2012

Losing Weight on a Busy Schedule!

You know you want to lose weight but when you’re so busy running from home to work and back, how do you do it? Is it even possible with so much going on? You can lose weight while keeping a busy schedule but it does require extra planning and foresight. The most difficult part to manage is fitting exercise into the day but with just a few small changes it can be done.

The BEST Kind of Busy Schedule! :)

You should start by thinking about how much weight you want to lose. Many people expect to start a program and drop pounds almost immediately, and then become discouraged when it doesn’t happen. If you have more than five to ten pounds to lose, be prepared to spend six months or longer working toward your ultimate goal. Even if you do only need to lose five pounds, you should still allow more than a few weeks to see it disappear. As it has been said so often, the last five pounds is often the most difficult to lose, but with patience, a good diet, and plenty of aerobic exercise, it can be done.

The most successful dieters all have some characteristics in common. First, they all include regular exercise in their schedules, regardless of how busy the day may be. Exercise is necessary to burn calories and fat, and one dash up the stairs isn’t going to do it. For maximum fat burn you should exercise a minimum of 45 minutes per day and more would be excellent. Before you panic, the 45 minutes does not have to be all at once. Research has shown that short, intense bursts of exercise can be just as effective as one long workout, so all you have to do is fit in several short segments of exercise throughout your day. Try walking around your office’s parking lot during your lunch break or walking up four flights of stairs to your office rather than taking the elevator. If you are one of the fortunate employees whose companies provide fitness facilities on site, make the most of it! Either arrive early to workout, shower, and change before work, or hang around afterward to get in your exercise. Company fitness facilities are absolutely wonderful since most include not only workout machines but saunas, fully equipped locker rooms, and even the occasional swimming pool.

Other ways to get your 45 minutes of fat-burning exercise in is to purchase a few small fitness items to keep in your office and use several times daily. Good choices for office fitness equipment include hand weights (which often come with their own storage rack), resistance bands, and yoga mats. You may want to consider a jump rope but obviously bring a change of clothing since it can be rather too intense for the office. Set your computer to give an alarm four times throughout the day to remind you to get up and exercise. Even just ten minutes of weight lifting or resistance training four times throughout the day adds up to forty minutes! That’s fantastic!

You will probably find it easiest to do your aerobic exercise outside of the office. If your schedule permits you to attend gym classes several times during the week, take a high intensity class that keeps your heart pumping for thirty minutes or longer. Another excellent option is to swim. Swimming is one of the most powerful exercises for shaping the body fast. Since the body is supported by water, your muscles receive a better workout since they must propel you through the water. Swim for 45 minutes three to four times a week and you will see results within three weeks. For those who can’t get to the gym or a pool, go for a run or a fast power-walk on your street. Incorporate arm movements into your walk to boost your heart rate and burn more calories. Also check your local video store for fitness videos that you can do in the privacy of your own home. There are many great videos that work your body just as much as a challenging gym class and you don’t have to worry about anyone staring at the sweat dripping down your back and face. Maintain a regular exercise schedule of 45 minutes of aerobic exercise three to four times per week in addition to strength training and you will notice a change in your body very rapidly.

In terms of diet, the change that most busy workers need to make is to avoid fast food. Double cheeseburgers, fries and milkshakes are all heavily laden with fat, calories, and sodium – three things that will slow your weight loss effort down fast. Instead, eat a diet that is balanced and nutritious with a minimum of saturated fat, simple sugars and sodium. One easy way to make a diet change is to eat only organic. There are thousands of delicious organic options available and an organic-only diet naturally delivers you from the vast majority of fatty junk foods. Add plenty of vegetables and salads to your menu as well as regular protein for a giant boost to your weight loss program.

While losing weight on a busy schedule is difficult, it is by no means impossible. Exercise regularly, eat healthy, and you will see the pounds melt away.

Friday 3 February 2012

How Losing Weight Helps Improve Memory

Memory is the brains ability to store and retrieve information as needed. In order to retain and improve your memory you need to take good care of your brain so that your brain cells can continue to develop. One way that you can increase the development of new brain cells is by losing weight.

Losing Weight Can Make You Brainy!

How it Helps

Improves Blood Flow. When you gain weight your veins can become clogged with plaque which restrict the blood flow to your brain. Your blood carries oxygen which promotes new cell growth in your brain. Therefore when you are overweight your brain is not getting enough oxygen to develop new brain cells, and thus your memory begins to decline.

But as soon as you begin losing weight, the blood vessels can begin to open up again as the plaque and cholesterol are removed. This improves the blood flow that delivers oxygen so that more cells can develop. Additionally, the more blood you have flowing through your brain, the more toxins can be washed away from your brain. Toxins can also contribute to poor memory.

Cytokines. Cytokines are hormones that are released by excess fat in the body. These hormones can cause inflammation which affects the memory and cognition of the brain.
 According to studies, if you are pear shaped (carry your excess weight around your hips), then your memory is more affected by the extra weight than if you are apple shaped (carry your excess weight around your tummy). Researchers are not sure why this is, but it could be because of the different cytokines which are produced by the different types of fats, as the fats in the abdomen area are different than those around the hips.

So not only does losing weight make you fitter, it makes you brainier too!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Why am I interested in weight loss? Why should you?

I thought that in this post I'd say a little about myself! Very self centred I know :). So what got me interested in weight loss?

Well, about a year ago I was told that I was on the verge of developing Type 2 Diabetes - the type you get for being a lazy couch potato! It really brought my weight into perspective, I realised that I needed to take action.

Over the course of three months I lost two stone (28lb) bringing me down from 13 to 11! I managed it using a combination of diet and exercise. In terms of diet I essentially cut out anything that contained carbohydrates! That meant I didn't eat potato, pasta, rice, bread, fruit.... everything I love. I essentially lived off meat and vegetables!

Goodbye High Carbohydrate Food :(
 As for exercise I started talking my dog, Bertie out more frequently and for longer walks, which I enjoyed as I live in a beautiful part of the mountains!

Since reaching my 11 stone target I have gained another half, so I'll have to start cutting back again soon, so I've created this blog to keep up to date and share weightloss news, tips and goodies!